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国际组织豁免经历了从外交豁免到职能豁免的演变,直到联合国建立才真正确立了国际组织豁免的职能必要性理论。对于国际组织高级职员而言,豁免是指其不受一国国内法院的管辖。国际组织高级职员享有职能性豁免,为了履行组织职务、达成组织目标,其公务行为受到豁免的保护。在很多情况下,出于履行职能的需要,也会授予部分国际组织高级职员外交豁免,但即使是那些在享有职能性豁免的同时还享有外交豁免的国际组织高级职员,也只就其公务行为享有豁免,非公务性行为依然不受豁免的保护。国际货币基金组织及其职员只享有职能豁免,不享有外交豁免,其私人行为不能豁免于国内法院的管辖。 The exemption of international organizations has gone through the evolution from diplomatic immunity to functional exemption until the United Nations established the functional necessity theory that truly established the immunity of international organizations. For senior officials of international organizations, an exemption means that they are not governed by the domestic courts of a country. Senior officials of international organizations enjoy functional exemptions, and their official duties are exempt from protection in order to fulfill their organizational functions and achieve the organizational goals. In many cases, diplomatic waivers for senior staff of some international organizations are also granted for fulfilling their functions. However, even senior staff of international organizations who enjoy diplomatic immunity along with functional exemptions, Exemptions and non-official conduct are still exempt from immunity. The International Monetary Fund and its staff enjoy only functional exemptions and do not enjoy diplomatic immunity. Their private behavior can not be exempted from the jurisdiction of domestic courts.