商品及其交换具有利益上的排它性特征 ,使商品经济中不同经济主体之间为最大限度地实现自身经济利益而进行竞争。在市场经济中 ,竞争是自然的和不可避免的一种客观现象 ,不同品牌的产品因其功能相同或者相近而具有的可替代性 ,意味着竞争关系的存在 ,低的产品差异和高的可替代
Commodities and their exchange have the characteristic of exclusive interests, which make the competition between different economic subjects in the commodity economy to maximize their own economic benefits. In the market economy, competition is a natural phenomenon and an inevitable phenomenon. The substitutability of different brands because of their similar or similar functions implies the existence of competition, low product differentiation and high Alternative