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随着社会的进步和时代的发展,国内林业工作地位和作用凸现重要。十八大指出,搞好生态建设,林业作为生态建设的领头军,成为增加森林覆盖率,改善生态环境的重要有生力量。但由于我国林业监管起步晚,发展缓慢,制度陈旧单一,过去较为保守的传统造林技术和营林手段相对落后,现已不能适应现代营林工作的需要。现就做好现代林业营林工作的重要意义、现代林业营林工作中应采取的方法、现代林业营林工作的几点建议等几个方面对现代营林工作进行了分析和探讨。搞好营林工作对于提高我国营林工作效率和促进林业生态平衡和推动林业经济的稳步发展具有十分重要的意义。 With the progress of society and the development of the times, the status and role of domestic forestry work have become more and more important. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to do a good job in ecological construction, forestry, as a leader in ecological construction, has become an important force that has increased forest coverage and improved the ecological environment. However, due to the late start of our country’s forestry supervision, the slow development, the old and the simple system, the past more conservative traditional silvicultural techniques and silvicultural approaches are relatively backward, and now can not meet the needs of modern silviculture. Now on the modern forestry forest management work of great significance, modern forestry forest work should be taken in the way of modern forestry forest work several suggestions and other aspects of the modern forest management work were analyzed and discussed. Doing a good job of forest management is of great significance to improving the efficiency of forest management in our country and promoting the ecological balance of forestry and promoting the steady development of forestry economy.
以铜黄高速公路廓家河高边坡滑坡治理为例 ,介绍了预应力高强锚索抗滑桩和预应力锚杆联合支护体系的应用情况及其施工方法 Taking the treatment of high slope of Gaoguhe
一个合格施工管理技术人员,除了有高标准的技能外外,更要懂科学、善管理,笔者结合多年工作经验,浅谈施工和管理的几个问题。谨供大家作参考之用。 A qualified construction
节水农业技术不是一种单一技术,而是包含多种技术措施的套技术体系。这些技术措施主要有农业水资源合理开发利用技术、农艺节水技术和节水管理技术。现主要对此进行分析。 W
现根据生产实践总结出南果梨的病虫害防治、土肥水管理、整形修剪等方法;供生产参考。 Now according to the production practice summed up the pear pest control, soil