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土地资源是农村地区经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的纽带。集体土地内部违法是相对于行政主体土地违法而言,指村委会违反法律、法规等规范性法律文件使用集体土地的行为。对村委会违法行为分析,发现低效率的土地产权配置、土地产权增值力弱;土地的社会保障功能降低和农民与土地的生存逻辑并存。基层民主自治制度下,串通违法和隐蔽性强等行为特点使得法律等约束手段呈现地域排挤的边缘状态。以新制度经济学为视角,制度诱导与生态驱动结合,使主体从被动纳入到主动参与是解决问题的关键。变制度约束为诱导,提高产权配置效率、创新土地产权制度,破解农民与土地的生存逻辑;生态文明指引下的土地资源保护意识培育才能激发土地资源保护的内生动力,遏制违法行为发生,保护集体土地资源,最终促进新农村建设可持续发展。 Land resources are the link between economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits in rural areas. The internal illegalization of collective land refers to the illegal use of collective land by villagers committees in violation of laws, regulations and other normative legal documents as opposed to the violation of administrative land. Analysis of the illegal acts of the village committees found that the inefficient allocation of land property rights and the weakening value of land property rights reduce the social security functions of land and the coexistence of the survival logic of peasants and land. Under the system of grassroots democracy and self-government, collusive behavior such as breaching the law and being concealed makes the means of restraint such as law appear on the verge of marginalization. From the perspective of New Institutional Economics, the combination of institution-induced and ecological-driven, so that the main body from passive inclusion to active participation is the key to solve the problem. To change the system constraints to induce, improve the allocation of property rights, innovative land property system, crack the logic of the survival of farmers and land; under the guidance of ecological civilization cultivated awareness of land resources conservation can stimulate the intrinsic motivation of land resources conservation, to curb the occurrence of illegal activities, protection Collective land resources, and ultimately promote the sustainable development of new rural construction.
冯国安设计  很久很久以前,在一个国家里,有一位贤明而受人爱戴的国王。但是他的年纪很大了,而且没有一个孩子。这件事,令他很伤脑筋。有一天,国王想出了一个办法,说:“我要亲自在国内挑选一个诚实的孩子,收为我的义子。”他吩咐发给全国的每个孩子一些花种子,并宣布:  “如果谁能用这些种子培育出最美丽的花朵,那么,这个孩子就是我的继承人。”  所有的孩子都种下了那些种子,他们从早到晚,浇水、施肥、松土,护
鞍钢3 200m3高炉采用了原燃料整粒过筛及分级入炉、串罐无料钟炉顶、高炉长寿、富氧喷煤、环保型INBA炉渣粒化装置、高风温内燃式热风炉等一系列的新技术,以改善环保、降低成
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