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“当代文学”和任何其他历史本质一样都是一种历史建构的结果 ,“当代文学”的发生是继“五四”新文学运动之后一次深刻的文学革命。毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》和社会主义历史实践是“当代文学”发生发展的重要标志。“当代文学”是社会主义意识形态的重要表征。 1 980年代“新启蒙主义”意识形态的流行和“重写文学史”的发生 ,“当代文学”学科和“当代文学”概念的合法性发生了深刻的危机。 “Contemporary literature”, like any other historical essence, is a result of historical construction. The occurrence of “contemporary literature” is a profound literary revolution following the May 4th New Literature Movement. Mao Zedong’s “Speech at Yan’an Literature and Art Symposium” and the Socialist Historical Practice are Important Signs of the Occurrence and Development of “Contemporary Literature.” “Contemporary Literature” is an Important Symbol of Socialist Ideology. In the 1980s, the “neo-Enlightenment” ideology prevailed and “rewriting the history of literature” took place. There was a profound crisis in the legitimacy of the concepts of “contemporary literature” and “contemporary literature.”
“五四”文学革命是 2 0世纪中国文学发展史上最为重大的事件。“五四”文学革命从文学观念、文体、文学语言变革入手 ,推动了中国文学由古典向现代的转换。在 2 0世纪初年文
我们的数学老师"退伍"以后,"老恐"坐上这把交椅。听说他很厉害,又姓"龚",所以被我们称为---"老恐"。   我们原以为他会先和我们套套近乎,谁知他新官上任就点火,并且火势还挺凶猛,第一节课就把我们烧得晕头转向。"老恐"开门见山说自己很推崇考试。果然以后几乎是三天一大考,两天一小考,题目难之又难,我们全考成大笨蛋。于是他就用超高的分贝、严厉的措词对我们进行狂轰滥炸似的批斗,我们不得不把课本举过