Code synchronization based on lumped time-delay compensation scheme with a linearly chirped fiber Br

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ch12358
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We propose a novel lumped time-delay compensation scheme for all-optical analog-to-digital conversion based on soliton self-frequency shift and optical interconnection techniques. A linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating is optimally designed and used to compensate for the entire time-delays of the quantized pulses precisely. Simulation results show that the compensated coding pulses are well synchronized with a time difference less than 3.3 ps, which can support a maximum sampling rate of 151.52 GSa/s. The proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the structure complexity and cost of all-optical analog-to-digital conversion compared to the previous schemes with multiple optical time-delay lines. We propose a novel lumped time-delay compensation scheme for all-optical analog-to-digital conversion based on soliton self-frequency shift and optical interconnection techniques. A linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating is optimally designed and used to compensate for the entire time- delays of the quantized pulses precisely. Simulation results show that the compensated coding pulses are well synchronized with a time difference less than 3.3 ps, which can support a maximum sampling rate of 151.52 GSa / s. The proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the structure complexity and cost of all-optical analog-to-digital conversion compared to the previous schemes with multiple optical time-delay lines.
自1986年以来,河北香河县水利堤防治安派出所共查处破坏水利工程、盗伐堤防林木等案件一百多起。他们除对违者进行教育外,并处罚款 Since 1986, a total of over 100 cases
摘 要:本文从电工基础在机电专业中的地位和作用谈起,对电工基础在机电一体化中的应用进行了分析,并重点探讨了电工基础中理论与实践相结合的教学方法。  关键词:电工基础;实习操作;备课;巡视指导  “电工基础”是电气类、电子类等专业一门重要的专业基础课,是研究电路的入门课程,是学习电子技术基础、电力拖动、电机变压器等其它相关专业课的基础课。这门课程的理论性较强,看似内容简单,实则比较抽象难懂。技工学校
合同是一种具有较强法律效力公文,其语言具有用词精确、行文流畅、简练,专业性强的特点。本文就合同英语的语体特征和翻译中应当注意的事项进行了探讨。 The contract is a