在建的中环湾仔绕道和东区走廊连接路项目(绕道项目)是一条位于香港岛北岸的策略性干道,其建造目的在于缓解香港岛区北岸东西向的交通挤塞情况。拟介绍的一段暗挖隧道是绕道项目的重要组成部分,该暗挖隧道长约160 m,由3条行车管道组成,横断面总跨度达50 m,总开挖横断面面积达460 m2,且在现有红磡海底隧道港岛区入口下方约20 m处穿过,是整个绕道项目的控制性工程。主要总结如何成功运用新奥法指导机械钻打法开挖三连拱硬岩隧道,并通过分部、分阶段开挖的精心安排克服大跨度开挖带来的困难,以及如何应用岩石质量分类Q系统(NGI Q-System)结合隧道实际的地质情况,从多个角度优化临时支护设计。此外,介绍如何综合运用监控量测、应急排水系统和配重砖等手段降低既有红磡海底隧道的上浮的风险。
The Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Eastern Corridor Link (underpass project) under construction is a strategic arterial road on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island which is constructed to ease east-west traffic congestion on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island. The proposed section of undercut tunnel is an important part of the detour project, which is about 160 m long and consists of 3 traffic lines with a total span of 50 m and a total excavation cross-section of 460 m2. Crossing about 20 m below the existing entrance to the existing Hong Kong Cross-Harbor Tunnel on Hong Kong Island is a control project of the entire detour project. Mainly summarizes how to successfully apply the new Austrian law to guide the mechanical drilling method to excavate the triple-arch hard rock tunnel, and through the division and phased excavation meticulous arrangements to overcome the difficulties caused by the long-span excavation, and how to apply the rock mass classification The Q system (NGI Q-System) optimizes the temporary support design from multiple perspectives in combination with the actual geological conditions of the tunnel. In addition, it will introduce how to reduce the risk of the existing cross-harbor tunnel in Hunghom through the integrated application of monitoring and measurement, emergency drainage system and counterweight bricks.