同志们: 在库车县召开自治区农村造林绿化现场会议的意义很大。下面就我区农村造林绿化的情况和今后的工作讲几点意见。 一、在全民义务植树运动的推动下,农村造林绿化取得显著成绩。 全国人大作出《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》以来。我区造林绿化工作出现了新的局面,取得显著成绩。全区造林面积大幅度增长,造林质量显著提高。到1985年全区人工林保存面积达564万亩。林业总产值也由1979年的3,123万元提高到1985年的1.9亿元。八年净增1.59亿元。在大力开展人工造林的同时,全区引洪发展薪炭林124万亩。恢复天然次生林200万亩。使天然次生林逐步得到恢复和发展。
Comrades: It is of great significance to convene a meeting of rural afforestation sites in Kuche County. Here’s my area of rural afforestation situation and future work to make a few comments. First, under the impetus of the voluntary nation-wide afforestation campaign, remarkable achievements have been made in rural afforestation. Since the NPC made the “Resolution on Carrying out the People’s Volunteer Tree-planting Campaign”. A new situation has emerged in afforestation in our district and remarkable achievements have been made. Afforestation area in the region increased significantly, afforestation quality improved significantly. By 1985, the reserve area of planted forests in Shaanxi reached 564 mu. The total output value of forestry increased from 31.23 million yuan in 1979 to 190 million yuan in 1985. Net increase of 158 million yuan in eight years. In vigorously carry out afforestation at the same time, the region cited the development of firewood 1240000 acres of forest. Restore the natural secondary forest 2000000 mus. So that the natural secondary forest gradually be restored and developed.