石家庄市贸易公司有一座漂亮的建筑物——建华商场大楼,营业面积三千七百三十五平方米,是石家庄市最好的商场之一。但是,这个大楼地处偏僻,又没有任何附属设施,因此,迟迟不能开张。“有了楼,发了愁”。附近农民瞅着大楼这番萧条景象不禁动了心,竟闯上门去愿以高价把这座楼买下。 农民这么一“将军”,使这座楼的主人不免汗颜。于是,一九八三年四月,石家庄市贸易公司总算在这里开业了。“被迫上马”的公司倒是很有创
Shijiazhuang City Trading Company has a beautiful building - Jianhua Mall Building, with a business area of 3,735 square meters, and it is one of the best shopping malls in Shijiazhuang City. However, this building is located in a remote area without any auxiliary facilities. Therefore, it cannot be opened. “With the building, made a sigh.” The depression around the building where the nearby peasants were slamming the building could not help but moved, actually went to the door and offered to buy this building at a high price. The peasants were such a “general” that the owners of this building were ashamed. Thus, in April 1983, Shijiazhuang City Trading Company finally opened here. The “forced to start” company is very innovative