4月10日下午,建水县消防大队内人声鼎沸,掌声雷动。在270多名小学生的喝彩声、加油声中,7名消防队员迅速穿好消防战斗服,戴上头盔,系好安全带,英姿飒爽地站成一列。原来,这里正在举行“手拉手,消防你我他”少儿安全教育活动。 此次活动,由建水县消防大队与建水县第一小学共同举办,旨在增强少年儿童消防观念、提高预防和扑救火灾以及自救能力。 少年儿童是祖国的未来和希望。大队在深入开展消防宣传的同时,非常注重对少年儿童的消防安全教育,采取“走出
April 10 afternoon, Jianshui County fire brigade voices, applause thundered. In the applause of more than 270 pupils, cheering, seven firefighters quickly put on firefighting combat uniforms, put on helmets and fasten their seat belts, and stand tall and brave. It turned out that here is held “hand in hand, fire you and me,” children’s safety education activities. The event, organized by the Jianshui County Fire Brigade and the first primary school in Jianshui County, aimed at enhancing the concept of fire prevention among children and adolescents to improve prevention and fire fighting and self-help capacity. Children and adolescents are the future and hope of the motherland. Brigade in-depth fire advocacy at the same time, attaches great importance to children’s fire safety education, to take "out