
来源 :大连近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zikao0606
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日俄战争前后,日本政府和军部大本营对辽宁主战场外国记者的报道采访,采取了禁止进入、取消交通工具、制定法规、捕判俄探、屠杀华人等严格管制措施。同时,日本拉拢、利用、收买外国记者等手段以便达到树立形象,维持关系,取胜之目的。日军为及时、有效报道战争进程,为歪曲、篡改事实,颠倒是非地在辽宁首创举行了外国记者发布会;首次允许外国记者租借通信船和通信机即时发布报道;首创战争报道的管制程序和法制法规等。日本借此控制外国记者在辽宁报道局面,争取主动权,协调周边国家及各方报道机构关系,扩大了日本形象和有关影响。本文借鉴松村等日俄战争研究成果,分别就日本干扰、歪曲等手法策略展开研究,澄清历史事实,考察证据,由外到里,从表面到实质,从点到面地剖析事件发展,变化的过程以及趋势,理顺日本处理外国报道的思维模式。本文研究还涉及托尔斯泰、杰克·伦敦等文学家及日本、辽宁有关重大事件背景和历史事实。 Before and after the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government and military headquarters interviewed foreign reporters in the main battlefield in Liaoning Province and adopted strict control measures such as prohibiting entry, canceling transport, enacting laws and regulations, ruining Russian explorations and massacring Chinese. At the same time, Japan draws on, uses and buys foreign reporters and other means in order to achieve the goal of establishing an image, maintaining relations and winning victories. In order to timely and effectively cover the course of the war, the Japanese army held the first press conference for foreign reporters in distress and distorting facts in Liaoning Province. It also allowed foreign reporters to lease communications ships and telegraphies immediately for the first time. It also initiated the control procedures and the legal system of the first war coverage Laws and regulations. Japan took the lead in controlling the situation of foreign correspondents in Liaoning, obtaining the initiative, coordinating the neighboring countries and parties to report on the relations among the agencies, and expanding Japan’s image and related influence. This article draws lessons from the research results of the Russo-Japanese War such as Matsumura, respectively, on the Japanese interference, distortions and other tactics to study, clarify historical facts, examine the evidence, from outside to inside, from the surface to the essence, from point to surface analysis of event development, change Process and trends, to streamline Japan’s approach to foreign media coverage. This study also includes the writers such as Tolstoy and Jack London and the background and history of major events in Japan and Liaoning.
[摘 要] 随着社会的发展,对于应用型人才的需求程度逐渐增加,在此基础上,高校内部的教育模式也逐渐转变。对结构力学教育工作的改革进行探索,提出具体的建议,供相关专业人士参考。  [关 键 词] 结构;力学;教学模式  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)25-0070-01  土木工程专业的最终教学目标是为了实践和应用,因此学生的实践能力非常重
高中数学具有抽象性、逻辑性强等特点,学习难度比较大。逆向思维培养是一种有效的教学方法,将对此进行研究,以供参考。 High school mathematics is abstract, logical and