虽然每天早晨上班都路过花园桥边上的超音波购物中心。但从外面看,也就是一个卖家电的而已,大不了东西全点,服务周到点,因此从来没有把它和发烧音响联系起来。但最近因为想买音响,几个发烧友就推荐我先去那里“开开眼”,才感觉到这里有些不一般。 进了“超音波”,一楼跟我以前想象的差不多,也就是在卖一些家电而已,唯一能跟音响挂上钩的也就是门右边的架子上在卖一些音响方面的书籍。想来朋友们不会只推荐我来买书吧?左右打听一番,果然如此,音响销售原来在楼上。
Although every morning to work through the Garden Bridge along the ultrasonic shopping center. However, from the outside, that is, a seller of electrical appliances only, big deal of the whole point, courteous service, so it never associated with fever audio. But recently because I want to buy audio, a few enthusiasts recommend I go where there is “open-hearted”, I just felt a bit unusual here. Into the “ultrasound” on the first floor with what I imagined before, that is, selling some appliances only, the only hook with the sound is the door on the right shelf in the sale of some audio books. Would like to come to my friends will not only recommend me to buy a book? About about it, so, audio sales turned upstairs.