目的了解福州市内河的蚊虫孳生情况,为城市科学灭蚊提供依据。方法采用目测和勺捕相结合的方法,调查福州市城区和城乡接合部内河蚊虫孳生的情况,以500 ml勺捕捞幼虫,计算孳生严重的内河的蚊幼密度(条/勺);选取孳生严重的内河进行蚊虫孳生的季节消长调查。结果调查城区河道300处,孳生2处,孳生频率为0.67%,调查城乡接合部河道200处,孳生24处,孳生率为12.0%。主要孳生蚊种为致倦库蚊,伴有少量褐尾库蚊孳生,幼虫密度最高可达到657条/勺。幼虫主要孳生在内河两岸和水生植物周围。福州市内河蚊虫孳生有比较明显的季节变化,5和11月为密度的2个高峰,2和8月为密度的2个低谷。结论福州城市内河在一定条件下会成为超大型蚊虫孳生地,是城市灭蚊中不可忽视的孳生场所。
Objective To understand the breeding of mosquitoes in Fuzhou inland river and provide the basis for urban scientific mosquito control. Methods The method of visual observation and scoop capture was used to investigate the breeding of mosquitoes in inland rivers of Fuzhou city and the junction of urban and rural areas. Larvae were captured with 500 ml ladle to calculate the density of mosquito inhabiting inland river. Of the river to carry out mosquito breeding seasonal fluctuation survey. Results 300 urban rivers were surveyed and two were breed. The frequency of breeding was 0.67%. There were 200 river courses in urban and rural areas investigated, and 24 were breed. The breeding rate was 12.0%. The main breeding mosquito species Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, accompanied by a small amount of Culex pipiens pallets breeding, larvae density up to 657 / spoon. Larvae mainly breed inland rivers and aquatic plants around. The mosquito breeding in inland river in Fuzhou City had obvious seasonal changes. There were two peaks of density in May and November and two troughs of density in February and August. Conclusion The inland river in Fuzhou will become a breeding ground for super-large mosquitoes under certain conditions and is a place that can not be ignored in urban mosquito breeding.