两年的调查研究证实了我省婴幼儿年人均发病2.73次。发病与家庭卫生状况、经济条件、看护人卫生习惯和文化程度、母乳喂养等有密切关系。病原检出率为88.32%,主要是ETEC 和轮状病毒,占检出病原69.75%。
Two years of investigation confirmed that the incidence of infants and young children in our province 2.73 times per capita. Incidence and family health status, economic conditions, caregivers hygiene habits and education, breastfeeding, etc. are closely related. Pathogen detection rate was 88.32%, mainly ETEC and rotavirus, accounting for 69.75% of the detected pathogens.