【摘 要】
Based on the Biot's theory about two-phase saturated medium, according to the character of δ function, the Green function on two-phase saturated medium by the p
【出 处】
Acta Seismologica Sinica
Based on the Biot's theory about two-phase saturated medium, according to the character of δ function, the Green function on two-phase saturated medium by the point source under concentrated force can be derived. By the Betti's theorem for the two-phase saturated medium field, the source vector and static displacement field by elastic dislocation on the two-phase saturated medium were comprehensively discussed.
Based on the Biot’s theory about two-phase saturated medium, according to the character of δ function, the Green function on two-phase saturated medium by the point source under concentrated force can be derived. By the Betti’s theorem for the two-phase saturated medium field, the source vector and static displacement field by elastic dislocation on the two-phase saturated medium were comprehensively discussed.
头孢三嗪是第三代头孢菌素 ,具有抗菌普广抗菌活力强 ,易透过血脑屏障 ,血清半衰期长 ,使用方便 ,不良反应小等优点 ,在抗感染中已广泛应用。我科应用本药治疗化脓性脑膜炎 (
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