
来源 :铁道工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxiancai0128
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研究目的:机载激光雷达技术作为一项新型航空测量技术,在国内外多个行业内已经得到了较为广泛的应用研究。但是现阶段各行业内,包括应用于铁路勘察方面,尚未形成成熟的应用模式。因此,一方面加深新技术在铁路勘察中的应用研究,另一方面在推动新技术发展应用的同时,及时加深梳理过程中发现关键问题都是十分必要的。研究结论:通过对激光雷达在工程应用过程中发现的几个关键问题分析认为:认真总结工程实例,确定机载激光雷达传感器在我国地形条件下的参数设置;结合具体工程,熟练掌握适合于铁路应用的点云分类方法与标准;通过本文提到的机载激光雷达成果精度的验证方法完成对机载激光雷达成果的精度验证;在工程应用前将基于UTM系统下的机载激光雷达观测成果通过投影转换纳入工程坐标系获取地理信息成果是能够满足铁路勘察设计、施工需要的。 Research purposes: As a new aeronautical measurement technology, airborne lidar has been widely applied in many industries at home and abroad. However, at this stage in various industries, including the application of railway survey, has not yet formed a mature application model. Therefore, on the one hand to deepen the application of new technologies in railway survey and research, on the other hand, it is necessary to promote the application of new technologies and find out the key issues during the process of carding in a timely manner. Research conclusions: According to the analysis of several key problems discovered during the application of LIDAR, it is considered that the project examples are conscientiously concluded, the parameters of airborne Lidar sensors are set under the topographic conditions of our country, and the combination of specific projects, Application point cloud classification methods and standards; through the mentioned in this paper, the accuracy of airborne lidar validation method to complete the accuracy of the results of airborne lidar validation; before engineering applications will be based on UTM system under the airborne lidar observations Through the projection conversion into the engineering coordinate system to obtain the result of geographic information is able to meet the railway survey and design, construction needs.
在新课标“以人为本”的教育理念指导下,很多高校对体育教学进行了一系列的改革措施,并取得了良好的效果。本文则对人性化视域下的体育教学改革探讨。 Guided by the new cu