美国国家航空航天局NASA于2015年7月23日宣布,在距离地球约1 400光年外发现一颗可能是迄今为止最像地球的宜居行星,并将其命名为开普勒-452b。它位于其恒星的适居带中,公转周期约385天,和地球相近。这一发现引起了科学家和公众们的极大的兴趣,甚至称它为地球的“堂兄弟”。然而,科学家后来发现,这位“堂兄弟”的表面温度可能较高,温室效应也比地球强烈,生命生存的可能很小。在人类至今已经发现的约2 000颗系外行星中,只有为数很少的几颗被认为
NASA announced on July 23, 2015 that about 1,400 light-years from Earth, a potentially livable planet that may have been most Earth-like so far has been discovered and named Kepler-452b. It is located in the habitat of its stars, the revolution period of about 385 days, and Earth are close. This discovery has aroused great interest of scientists and the general public, and even called it the “cousin” of the earth. However, scientists later discovered that the “cousin” may have a warmer surface temperature and a stronger greenhouse effect than the rest of the world, with less likely to survive. Of the estimated 2,000 extrasolar planets humans have discovered so far, only a few are considered