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受去冬今春降水多、气温低、回暖慢影响,全省水稻育苗播期较常年拖后7~10天,并出现秧苗生长缓慢、根系发育不良等情况,水稻苗床病害目前已在黑龙江省的泰来、方正、通河、虎林、桦南、富锦等地发生,高于常年。此外,水稻主产区的密山、绥棱等地水稻苗床已出现除草剂药害。目前,全省水稻秧苗多处于1叶1心期,即将进入易感病的2叶1心~3叶期。由于苗床土壤湿度大、温度低,秧苗生长缓慢,地下根系发育较差,且稻农不敢通风炼苗,秧苗素质及抗逆性明显下降。另据气象部门预报,近日气温上升较快,且5月份有阶段性低温,利于水稻苗床病害的发 By the winter and spring precipitation, low temperature, slow warming, the province’s sowing date of rice nurseries than the perennial delayed 7 to 10 days, and the emergence of slow growth of seedlings, root system dysplasia, etc., rice seedling disease has been in Heilongjiang Province Tailai, Founder, Tonghe, Hulin, Huanan, Fujin and other places, higher than perennial. In addition, the rice seedling beds in Mishan and Suiling, the main rice producing areas, have emerged as herbicide pesticides. At present, the province’s rice seedlings are mostly in the 1 leaf 1 period, about to enter susceptible disease 2 leaves 1 heart ~ 3 leaf stage. As the seedbed soil moisture, low temperature, slow growth of seedlings, underground development of poor root system, and rice farmers ventilation ventilation, seedling quality and resistance decreased significantly. According to the meteorological department forecast, the recent temperature rise rapidly, and in May there are stages of low temperature, conducive to the development of rice seedbed disease
目的研究金莲花(Trollius chinensis Bunge)中的化学成分。方法采用大孔吸附树脂、正相硅胶、ODS、Sephadex LH-20等柱色谱法和制备型高效液相色谱法等分离技术对金莲花体积