鼻出血经常来自后鼻腔的颌内动脉某一分支,治疗方法有多种,但其有效程度、复杂性、与病人的紧张程度颇不一致。多数病例可通过压迫或手术结扎动脉而控制出血,但亦有无效者。作者提出,反对颈外动脉结扎的理由是:颈外动脉是间接的出血血管,远离出血部位。Seiffert (1928)介绍T经上颇窦结扎领内动脉的方法,但这种方法当时并未普及,直到1965年Chandler和Serrins报道21例后方开始流行。
Nasal bleeding often comes from a branch of the posterior nasal cavity of the internal carotid artery, there are many ways to treat it, but its effectiveness, complexity, and patient tension are quite different. Most cases can be controlled by compression or surgical ligation of the arteries, but there are also ineffective. The authors suggest that the reason for opposing the ligation of the external carotid artery is that the external carotid artery is an indirect bleeding vessel, away from the bleeding site. Seiffert (1928) introduced the method of transarticular sinus ligation via the superior sinus, but this method was not universally available until 1921, when Chandler and Serrins reported 21 posterior recurrent.