
来源 :工业安全与防尘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong586
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一要以身作则。班组长既是班组的指挥员,又是班组成员,要搞好班组安全工作,必须以身作则。对于危险性较大的工作,要带头去做;对违章作业要坚决制止,敢抓敢管;对事故隐患及时处理。二要加强岗位检查,控制危险源(点)。能否控制危险源(点),是保证安全生产的重要环节.对本班组生产岗位存在的危险源(点)、班组长必须心中有数.交班前、接班后对在控危险源(点)进行认真检查,并把检查情况向岗位工人交底.要求岗位工人做到一穿戴、二检查、三试车,确认无误开才进行作业。三要组织好每周安全活动日。为使每周安全活动日内容丰富,形式多样,班组长应 One must lead by example. Team leader is both team commander, but also members of the team, team work to do a good job, we must set an example. For more dangerous work, we must take the lead; illegal operations must be resolutely stopped, dare to dare to dare; timely treatment of hidden dangers of the accident. Second, we must strengthen job inspection, control of dangerous sources (points). Can control the source of danger (point), is an important part of ensuring safety in production .This team production positions of the source of danger (point), the team leader must be aware of. Before the shift, after taking over the source of control (point) serious Check and check the situation to the post workers pay job requirements workers do a dress, two inspections, three test run, confirm the correct open before homework. Third, organize weekly safety activities. In order to enrich the weekly security activities, various forms, team leader should
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在江津增压器厂六车间有一名精修钳工技师,他只有初中文化,然而凭着一股对工作精益求精,对工厂爱岗敬业, 对社会诚实守信的满腔热情,在机修钳工的普通岗位上一干就是30多个春
1938年10月,中共中央青年工作会议在延安召开以后,中央青委书记兼组织部长陈云号召中央青委的干部走出延安到全国各地去宣传抗战青年工作的基本任务,传达 In October 1938,
薛月康,山西临县人,1940年参军;1949年随部队南下到成都后在成都市公安局任职;文革时“打黑公安”被调到锦江区政府;后来到了锦江区政协,1983年离休。 Xue Yuekang, Linxian
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