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  In North America and much of the world, cricket remains a mystery.In England, the home of cricket, the sport still has a strong following..Why is it that the English love cricket?
   It's not surprising that so many people can't see what all the fuss isabout when it comes to cricket. Any sport in which two teams can competefor 5 days and still fail to produce a winner does not look likely to everhave much of a worldwide appeal.
   Despite this, cricket was successfully exported during the times ofthe British Empire. It remains exceedingly popular in Australia, India,Pakistan, South Africa and the Caribbean.
  Some wonderwhether the Englishlove of cricket is simplya result of the renownedeccentricity of the English.After all, it's not even asthough Britain are particularly good atthe sport.
  The English invented cricket750 years ago. Its laws are one ofthe great mysteries of life, passed onamong the initiates. In the past theytook the game all over the world andalways won. But gradually other nations'teams have got better at it, until now theEnglish stand a pretty safe chance of beingbeaten wherever they go.
  Part of the reason why cricket remains so popularis undoubtedly because cricket matches continue tobe seen as much of a social engagement as a sportingactivity.
  It's clear that many spectators follow the gamebecause they like an excuse to meet up with friends,drink beer, sing songs and generally have a goodtime. Cricket simply provides a backdrop.
   To the outside world, however, the English loveof cricket is likely to remain confusing.
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