国内曾报道过10例锑尘肺患者。一些学者对工业锑尘进行了动物试验,结果表明吸入三氧化二锑(Sb_2O_3)的粉尘能引起动物的肺部病变。作者等人曾分别对两个锑矿进行调查,并根据历年来锑作业工人定期体格检查、车间内空气中粉尘浓度测定资料及系统X线胸片等医学检查动态观察资料进行分析研究,发现4例锑尘肺患者(其中“Ⅰ”期1例、“Ⅱ”期3例),兹将结果报告如下: 一、职业史:4例锑尘肺患者均系男性,从事锑冶炼最短工龄为5年,最长工龄为30年。在冶炼过程中,锑蒸气逸入车间内冷凝形成锑的
China has reported 10 cases of anti-pneumoconiosis patients. Some scholars conducted industrial tests on industrial antimony dust. The results show that dust inhalation of antimony trioxide (Sb 2 O 3) can cause lung lesions in animals. The authors et al. Have separately investigated two antimony mines and conducted an analysis based on the regular physical examination of antimony workers over the years, the measurement data of the dust concentration in the air in the workshop and the medical examination of the system X-ray, and found that 4 Cases of antimony pneumoconiosis patients (including “Ⅰ” period in 1 case, “Ⅱ” period in 3 cases), hereby report the results as follows: First, occupational history: 4 cases of antimony pneumoconiosis patients are men, engaged in antimony smelting minimum working length of 5 years, The longest service is 30 years. In the smelting process, antimony vapor escapes into the workshop and condenses to form antimony