毛泽东文艺思想是很丰富的,须要我们认真地学习、研究, 忠实地坚持、发展。诗是文艺的一种。毛泽东是伟大的无产阶级政治家,又是卓越的革命诗人。他爱好诗,关心诗的创作和发展,有许多精辟的言论和系统的思想。在全国大兴“毛泽东热”的今天,我们隆重纪念毛泽东同志诞辰一百周年,深入研究毛泽东文艺思想、毛泽东美学思想的同时,也有必要对毛泽东诗学思想作一番仔细的研究。这对全面地认识毛泽东思想,坚持和发展毛泽东文艺思想,对澄清当前诗坛的是非,为诗歌发展明确方向,进一步提高诗歌创作的质量,都会有很大益处的。
Mao Zedong’s literary and art thought is very rich, we need to seriously study, study, faithfully persist in, development. Poetry is a kind of art. Mao Zedong was a great proletarian statesman and a remarkable revolutionary poet. He loves poetry, cares about poem creation and development, there are many incisive rhetoric and systematic thought. Today, as we all celebrate the centenary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s birth, we must thoroughly study Mao Zedong’s literary and art thoughts and Mao Zedong’s aesthetic thoughts. At the same time, it is necessary to make a careful study of Mao Zedong’s poetic thoughts. This will greatly benefit the comprehensive understanding of Mao Zedong Thought, the adherence to and development of Mao Zedong’s literary and art thought, the clarification of the current poetic paradigm, the clear direction for the development of poetry, and the further improvement of the quality of poetry writing.