实现燃煤电厂烟道气二氧化碳大规模捕集与地质储存将成为温室气体减排的主要途径,是应对全球气候变化极具潜力的方式之一,已受到国际社会尤其是发达国家的广泛关注和认同。目前二氧化碳地质封存主要分为将二氧化碳封存于深部咸水层中和封存于油气藏用于驱油(EOR——Enhanced Oil Recovery)两种方式。胜利油田EOR项目即是后者的典型示范项目之一。来自胜利油田胜利勘察设计研究院的总工程师张建为我们详细介绍了该项目的基本情况,并为其他项目的实施提供了可以复制的借鉴经验。
Achieving large-scale CO2 capture and geological storage of flue gas from coal-fired power plants will be the main way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be one of the most promising ways to cope with global climate change. It has received widespread attention from the international community, especially developed countries. Identity. At present, the geological storage of carbon dioxide is mainly divided into two methods: sequestration of carbon dioxide in deep saline water layers and storage in oil and gas reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The Shengli Oilfield EOR project is one of the typical demonstration projects of the latter. Zhang Jian, the chief engineer from Shengli Oilfield Shengli Survey and Design Institute, gave us a detailed introduction of the basic conditions of the project and provided references for the implementation of other projects.