,Planning for Community Relocations Due to Climate Change in Fiji

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyz118
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As a consequence of the impacts of climate change, some households and entire communities across the Pacific are making the complex and challenging deci-sion to leave their homelands and relocate to new envi-ronments that can sustain their livelihoods. This short article charts how the residents of Vunidogoloa village in Fiji relocated in early 2014 to reduce their vulnerability to encroaching sea level and inundation events that regularly devastated the community. As a consequence of the Vunidogoloa relocation, this article also explores how the Fiji Govment is planning for similar resettlement tran-sitions, including vulnerability and adaptation assessments to develop a list of potential community relocations and the development of national relocation guidelines. This study draws from key informant interviews (n=8) with gov-ment officials, as well as representatives from inter-govmental and local nongovmental organizations, who are involved in the relocation issue. Given the speed at which these national, top-down initiatives are being forged and especially in light of the absence of any mention of relocation in Fiji’s 2012 climate change policy, careful and inclusive engagement across all scales and stakeholders, including communities ’’earmarked’’ for relocation, is paramount.
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