
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simuwuzx
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木纹金属工艺这一独特的金属工艺技术是使用不同颜色的金属,经过精心的技术操作,展现出类似于木纹纹样的效果。通过这一工艺使得金属具有丰富的纹理,也体现了不同的风格。虽然这是一项被世界称奇的工艺,但在中国了解它的人并不多。文章中除了简单介绍这一工艺以外,最主要的是将其在现代首饰设计中的体现做具体分析,加深认识,通过工艺与设计的结合,来丰富首饰的内涵,更多的展现这一金属工艺的魅力,为首饰设计拓宽道路。 Woodgrain Metalworking This unique metalworking technique uses metals of different colors and undergoes meticulous technical manipulation to show the effect similar to the woodgrain pattern. Through this process makes the metal rich texture, but also reflects the different styles. Although this is a world-weird craft, there are not many people who know about it in China. In addition to a brief introduction to this process, the most important thing is to do a detailed analysis of its embodiment in modern jewelry design to deepen our understanding. Through the combination of technology and design, we can enrich the connotation of jewelry and more show the metal The charm of craft broadens the path for jewelry design.
舰载面源红外干扰效果评估是面源红外干扰技术研究和面源战术使用研究的重要环节.论文从成像制导系统的原理入手, 提出了基于外场试验与内场仿真相结合的面源型红外诱饵对红