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第十四届世界地震工程大会10月13日在北京召开,国务院副总理回良玉出席开幕式并代表中国政府致辞。他表示,自然灾害是人类面临的共同挑战,我们将秉持科学的减灾理念,着力提高综合防震减灾能力,加强国际交流与合作,推动地震工程技术创新和应用,共同为人类社会防御和减轻地震灾害作出更大的贡献。他说,本届大会以“创新、安全、应用”为主题,体现了当今世界地震工程科技发展趋势和防震减灾要求;大会的召开,必将有力推动世界地震工程学及相关领域的发展,促进地震科技创新,对于提升世界工程性抗御地震灾害能力发挥重要作用。 The 14th World Earthquake Engineering Congress was held on October 13 in Beijing. Vice Premier Hui Liangyu attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech on behalf of the Chinese government. He said that natural disasters will be a common challenge facing mankind. We will uphold the scientific concept of disaster reduction, make efforts to improve comprehensive capabilities in earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, promote innovation and application of seismic engineering technology, and jointly defend and mitigate the earthquake disaster in human society Make greater contribution He said the theme of this conference is “innovation, safety and application”, which reflects the trend of science and technology in earthquake engineering in the world today and the requirements for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. The convening of the conference will surely promote the development of world earthquake engineering and related fields , To promote scientific and technological innovation in earthquakes and play an important role in enhancing the ability of the world engineering to resist earthquakes and disasters.
《晋书》卷十五《地理志》载荆州天门郡所统五县中 ,有充县和临澧县。考诸史籍 ,充县和临澧实为一县 ,以之并列为二县 ,似误。最早对充县和临澧县的关系予以关注的是北魏的郦
研究发现 ,对于高胆固醇血症和动脉粥样硬化引起血管内皮舒张功能障碍的动物或病人 ,给予口服或局部缓释L 精氨酸 (L Arginine)可恢复血管一氧化氮活性 ,抑制内膜增厚。提示L 精氨酸可能
他的名字在当地妇孺皆知。近年来,他捐给家乡的钱不下二百万元,为群众解决的困难、做的好事没人数得清。说起这些,他总是对人说—— His name is known to local women and