Inner Mongolia, Wuhai City, about 25km south of the table mountain range Ordovs (earlylateArenig) Sandaan group at the bottom of the production of a primitive twisted shellfish Brachiopods, identified by the author, the Chinese shellfish (new species) (Hesperiniasinensissp .nov.). Systematic sectioning studies confirmed that it is the oldest known twisted shellfish to date, with its bilobal main protrusion slightly protruding behind the hinge edge, the lower and weaker hinge ridge to the side The trailing extension close to the hinged margin and other features indicate that this species belongs to the Strinkomenidae. The evolution of Pleuronectes to Twisted shellfish requires the creation of some morphologically evolved innate within the dorsal shell: the bilobed protuberances, a pair of hinged ridges that curve slightly toward the posterior side, the transverse ridges, As well as side partitions, all of these structural features, Hesperiniasinensissp. nov Therefore, this indicates that the differentiation of Twisted shellfish and Pleurotus ostreatus is earlier than that of late Arenig. In addition to H. sinensis, there are also early-stage molluscs in other parts of the world but are prolific in Llanvirn or later strata such as Trotlandelaloki Neuman (Neuman and Bruton, 1974) found in the Norwegian Whiterock Formation and Murinelasp in the Llanvirn Formation in central Wales, United Kingdom. , ’Macrocoelia’landeiloensiselon ?