摘自《AIR TRANSPORT WORLD》2017年9月刊封面文章亚航在2002年以2架飞机开始起家,随后迅速发展起来,现在其品牌已极大地影响了东南亚,甚至是整个亚洲。可以说,其在该区域创造了一个低成本航空的神话。当然,在亚航的眼中,市场仍然很大,低成本航空运营依然游刃有余。亚洲人口众多,现在低成本航空发展也是风起云涌,但是,对已形成一定规模的亚航而言,其优势已非一般竞争对手可比。该航CEO艾琳·奥玛尔表示,亚航最大的优势是建立起来的网络效应。
From “AIR TRANSPORT WORLD” September 2017 Cover Article AirAsia started its operation with two aircraft in 2002 and has grown rapidly. Now its brand has greatly affected Southeast Asia and even Asia as a whole. It can be said that it has created a myth of low-cost aviation in the region. Of course, in the eyes of AirAsia, the market is still very large, low-cost air operations are still ease. Asia has a large population. Now the low-cost aviation development is surging. However, for the already-formed AirAsia, its advantages have not been comparable to those of its ordinary competitors. Airline CEO Irene Omar said AirAsia’s biggest advantage is the established network effect.