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现代化信息技术全面走进我们的生活和学习,有线无线互联网技术的发展,为大学英语课程的改革提供了新的立足点。开放的网络给予教师和学生无限的资源,那么教师如何整合这些资源,并与大学英语的教材相结合,学生如何利用老师整合好的资源并进行移动自主学习,老师如何实行其监督职能,学生如何在老师指导下决定学习在哪学习,什么时候学习,学习进程的快与慢,学生如何有效学习适合的内容以及老师如何有效地评价学生的学习结果并区别于传统的测试评价手段都是移动学习大学英语课程需要解决的问题。 The modern information technology has entered our life and study in an all-round way. The development of wired and wireless internet technology has provided a new foothold for the reform of college English curriculum. Open networks give teachers and students unlimited resources. How do teachers integrate these resources and integrate them with college English textbooks? How can students use teachers to integrate good resources and move independently to learn how teachers perform their supervisory functions? Under the guidance of the teacher, it is decided to learn where to learn, when to learn, how fast and slow the learning process, how to effectively learn suitable content and how the teacher can effectively evaluate students’ learning results and distinguish them from traditional testing and evaluation methods are all mobile learning College English Courses need to solve the problem.