浩荡东流的黄浦江,象一条银色的绸带,将我国最大的城市上海一分为二:浦西、浦东。在上海开埠后的一个多世纪中,这座城市的发展始终局处一隅,隔江相望的两岸,差别竟如此悬殊:浦西,高楼林立,市井繁荣;浦东,“农田连阡陌,江海空自流。” 时光流逝。1990年4月18日,国务院总理李鹏亲临上海,代表党中央,国务院郑重宣布开发、开放上海浦东新区的重大决策,浦东一下成了世人瞩目的热点地区。而今,500天过去了。人们自然要问:浦东变得怎样了?
The mighty Huangpu River, like a silver ribbon, divides Shanghai, the largest city in China, into two parts: Puxi and Pudong. More than a century after its opening in Shanghai, the development of the city has always been a corner of the bureau. The cross-straits across the river are so different: Puxi, high-rises and prosperous markets; and Pudong. "The passage of time. On April 18, 1990, Premier Li Peng of the State Council personally came to Shanghai to represent the Party Central Committee and the State Council and solemnly announced the major decision-making process for the development and opening up of Pudong New Area in Shanghai. Pudong has become a hot area attracting worldwide attention. Today, 500 days have passed. People naturally ask: Pudong has become like?