邓小平同志在改革开放之初提醒全党注意 :“在工作重心转到经济建设以后 ,全党要研究如何适应新的条件 ,加强党的思想工作 ,防止埋头经济工作、忽视思想工作的倾向。”江泽民总书记也一再强调 :“越是发展社会主义市场经济 ,越是要加强精神文明建设。”认真在思想上确立起这种
At the beginning of the reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping reminded the whole party of the following: “After the focus of work has shifted to economic construction, the entire party should study how to adapt to the new conditions, strengthen the party’s ideological work, prevent economic work burdens and neglect ideological work.” General Secretary Jiang Zemin also repeatedly emphasized: “The more we develop the socialist market economy, the more we must strengthen the building of spiritual civilization.” We earnestly established this kind of ideology