一、存在的问题 (1)预算收入收纳存在的问题。主要表现在:1、纳税凭证的填写和使用小规范,要索不全,内容随意涂改。2、税款未按规定缴纳入库,个别国库经收处故意拖延缴款时间和延压、滞解税款。3、缴款书填写日期与银行加盖转讫章日期不相符,缴款的时间超过限缴日期
First, the existing problems (1) budget revenue storage problems. Mainly in: 1, tax vouchers to fill in and use of small norms, to be incomplete, content arbitrarily altered. 2, the tax fails to pay according to the provisions of warehousing, the Treasury by deliberately delay the payment of state treasury payment delays and delays, tax deferral. 3, the payment form filling date and the date of stamping stamped with the bank does not match the payment time exceeds the date of the deadline