玉米 是世界公认的“黄金作物”。纤维素比精米、精面粉高4~10倍。纤维素可加速肠部蠕动,可排除大肠癌的因子,降低胆固醇吸收,预防冠心病,玉米能吸收人体的一部分葡萄糖,对糖尿病有缓解作用。 大麦 性味甘、咸、凉,有和胃、宽肠、利水的作用,可辅助冶疗食滞泄泻、小便淋痛、水肿、烫伤。大麦芽性味甘温,有开胃消食、下气、回乳之功效。
Corn is the world recognized “gold crop.” Cellulose than fine rice flour 4 to 10 times higher. Cellulose can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, can rule out the factors of colorectal cancer, reduce cholesterol absorption, prevention of coronary heart disease, corn can absorb part of the human body glucose, ease the role of diabetes. Barley sweet, salty, cool, and the stomach, wide intestine, the role of water, can aid diarrhea diarrhea treatment, urine leaching pain, edema, scalds. Barley bud sweet sweet, appetizers Xiaoshi, Xiaqi, back to the milk effect.