原植物防己来源复杂,历来用药混乱。经过数年的调查,结合本草用药习惯,初步澄清了四川省防己的用药情况及其原植物品种,并研究了各种川产防己的鉴别特征。四川产防己包括两个科七个种植物的根及根茎。(一)防己科:(1)木防己Coccuslustriulobus,商品也叫术防己;(2)防己Sinomenium acutum,商品名川防己;(3)秤钩风Diploclisia affinis,商品称川防己;(4)轮环藤Cyclea racemosa,商品也称川防己,或叫泡豆根。(二)马兜铃
The source of the original plant is complex and it has been used as a disorder. After several years of investigation, combined with the herbal medicine habits, we have initially clarified the situation of the use of Teijin in Sichuan Province and its original plant varieties, and studied the identification features of various anti-fungan products produced in Sichuan. The Sichuan production and control system has included the roots and rhizomes of seven plants of two families. (1) Prevention of self-sustained diseases: (1) Cochcus lustriulobus, also known as anti-herb; (2) Sinomenium acutum, trade name, Chuan Fangji; (3) Diploclisia affinis, known as Chuan Fangji; (4) Wheel ring Vine Cyclea racemosa, also known as Chuan Fangji, or bean root. (b) Birthwort