细菌性败血症对养殖鱼类危害最重 ,暴发传播的速度极快 ,患病鱼死亡率很高。我站经长期的实践与探索 ,对该病成因及治疗药物、方法进行如下总结 ,望能与同仁共勉。1 细菌性败血症的病原及表现病原为嗜水气单胞菌为主体的多种细菌 ,有时有些病鱼体表和鳃部同时有原生动物寄生 ,
Bacterial sepsis is most devastating to farmed fish, and outbreaks are spreading very fast with a high mortality rate of diseased fish. I stand after long-term practice and exploration, the cause of the disease and treatment of drugs, methods are summarized as follows, hope to encourage colleagues and colleagues. 1 Bacterial sepsis pathogens and manifestations Pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria as the main variety, sometimes sick fish body surface and gills at the same time protozoan parasites,