照壁,是大门外对着大门做屏蔽用的墙壁,也被叫做照墙或照壁墙,其建筑为砖或石材结构。照壁大致是以前权贵官邸或富庶殷实居家,为显耀门庭气魄,烘托家道丰盛,顺应时俗而修的一种富有地方文化特色的建筑。 古代帝王庭园修建照墙,突出皇权至上,以九龙图案镌嵌其上;寺院门前,为表宏阔,也常修照墙,正书佛号,背刻福字;民间照墙多镌刻或描绘历史剧情、神话故事、民间传说、战场景观、孝义典故、戏剧人物、祥兽瑞草等图案,并雕刻对应文字和楹联,字体多为楷书,端正厚重,多出自名家手笔。照墙的大小,一般与居家门面规模相对应。某处照壁在一方享有盛誉之后,人们就把该
According to the wall, is outside the gate against the door to do with the wall, also known as according to the wall or according to the wall, the building is brick or stone structure. Zhao wall is generally the former dignitary official residence or wealthy home, is to show their dignified style, heighten the richness of family, conform to the customs and culture of a rich local culture. Ancient imperial garden built according to the wall, highlighting the imperial power supremacy, in order to Kowloon logo engraved on it; in front of the monastery, for the grand table, but also often repair the wall, is the Buddha, back Fuk characters; Historical plots, myths, folk tales, battlefield landscapes, Xiaoyi allusions, drama characters, auspicious animals such as grass and other motifs, and carved the corresponding text and couplets, fonts are mostly regular script, correct, and more from the masterpieces. According to the size of the wall, generally correspond to the size of the home facade. Somewhere in the wall after the reputation of one side, people put it