研究表明 ,多菌灵和三唑酮经合理混配后对抑制小麦赤霉病菌和白粉病菌菌丝生长和分生孢子的萌发显示增效作用 ,对麦角甾醇的生物合成也显示了增效作用 ,说明两者混配具有协同增效作用。对抑制小麦纹枯病菌菌丝生长显示相加作用
Studies have shown that the carbendazim and triadimefon mixed with reasonable after inhibition of Fusarium graminearum and powdery mildew pathogen mycelial growth and conidia germination showed synergistic effect on ergosterol biosynthesis also showed a synergistic effect , Indicating that the two mixed with synergy. Inhibit the growth of wheat sheath blight mycelium showed an additive effect