科学基金制,是国家对科学事业的一种管理体制和拨款方式。基本做法是设立专门的经费,按研究项目,通过同行评议,择优资助,对科学研究活动给予支持。科学基金制,是从本世纪初发起展来的,至今已成为许多国家政府或企业对科学技术活动支持的主要拨款手段之一。一些发达的资本主义国家,甚至一些第三世界国家,都有类似的基金组织。仅在欧洲科学基金会注册的就有48个欧洲科学基金组织和团体。 本世纪以来的几十年中,科学基金的发展,以及在推动科技进步、经济发展、人才培养中积累的相当丰富的经验,为我们提供了可以借鉴和吸取的经验和教训。 1985年3月发布的《中共中央关于科学技术体制改革的决定》,肯定了在基础研究和部分应用研究中实行科学基金制的改革方向。决定指出,对基础研究和部分应用研究工作逐步试行科学基金制,基金来源,主
The science fund system is a state’s management system and appropriation for science. The basic approach is to set up special funds to support scientific research activities on the basis of research projects and peer-reviewed and merit-based funding. The scientific fund system, which was launched from the beginning of this century, has so far become one of the major means of funding government and enterprise support in many countries for science and technology activities. Some developed capitalist countries, and some third world countries, have similar IMF. There are 48 European Science Funds and Groups registered only with the European Science Foundation. In the decades since the beginning of this century, the development of science funds and the rich experience accumulated in promoting scientific and technological progress, economic development and personnel training have provided us with lessons learned and lessons learned. The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Reform of Science and Technology System promulgated in March 1985 affirmed the reform direction of implementing the scientific fund system in basic research and some applied research. It was decided that the basic research and some applied research should be piloted on a scientific basis, fund sources,