Andrea Ballerini简介生活在纽约的意大利建筑师,AB INTERIORS的创始人。从2001年建立工作室以来,Andrea凭借着他犀利的眼光和专业的定制设计服务,为不少名流打造了别具一格的宅邸。其中,他为纽约业主所设计的翠贝卡红砖仓库私人住宅,给人留下了深刻的印象,也让Andrea在设计圈中名声大震。成长于佛罗伦萨的Andrea,对艺术颇有见解,设计中,除了为客户精心推荐艺术品,更重要的是他懂得如何把艺术真正植入空间。
About Andrea Ballerini An Italian architect living in New York, the founder of AB INTERIORS. Since the establishment of the studio in 2001, Andrea with his sharp vision and professional custom design services, many celebrities to create a unique residence. Among them, he designed for New York owners Tribeca red brick warehouse private residence, left a deep impression, but also to Andrea reputation in the design circle. Growing up in Andrea, Florence, he has a solid understanding of the arts. In his design, apart from carefully recommending artworks to his clients, more importantly, he understands how to truly embed art into space.