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汤池镇位于昆明市宜良县,地处阳宗海北岸、东岸,主要有汉、彝、回等民族。每年农历三月初三,都要举行盛大的三月三庙会。相传庙会起源于唐宋时期,长盛不衰。清朝末年、民国23年(1934)及新中国特殊年代曾以种种原因几度被政府停办。而民众一直信奉,祭祀不断。1987年恢复庙会,1991年改为汤池镇政府举办一年一度的“三月三”文化艺术节,赶会人数近十万人,逐渐发展成为宜良县乃至昆明地区规模最大、影响最深的庙会。(1)本文试图通过对汤池三月 Tangchi Town is located in Yiliang County, Kunming City, located in the northern coast of Yangzonghai, east coast, mainly Han, Yi, Hui and other ethnic groups. On the third day of the third lunar month, we hold a grand March temple. Legend has it that the temple originated in the Tang and Song dynasties, growing up. For the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the government suspended the government for several reasons in the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934) and the new Chinese special era. The people have always believed in worship constantly. In 1987, the temple fair was resumed. In 1991, it was renamed Tangchi Town Government for the annual “March 3” Culture and Arts Festival. Roughly one hundred thousand people arrived there, gradually developing into the largest and most influential area in Yiliang County and even in Kunming. temple fair. (1) This article attempts to pass Tang Chi on March
新年第一约,是跟一个刚结束在美国半年漫游回到本城的作家姐姐。  我和她喝茶,向她倾诉烦恼。  她听完我絮叨,冷冷扫我一眼,说:“你知道吗,我52岁了。”  “52岁了,更年期都快过完了。”她说。  “有时候,觉得生命好没有意义。”她说。  “你明白这背后的意思吗?”她像一个高中教师拷问学生一样,严厉地看着我。  “不就是不想活了吗。”我撇嘴。  “可是,不能啊。”她笑。  她说,在美国的时候空闲无