Accra, the capital of Ghana, is a prosperous big city on the West African coast. From the high roofs of the urban area, you can see the boundless white sea of endless trees, houses in the middle of the tree, Like Garden City. When you fly from Cairo to the Sahara through the Sahara, you can not see the trees and you can not see the human tracks. But when the plane arrives in Accra, a green patch of green leaves you feeling full of vitality. When we were on board in Cairo, we were in Beijing with a coat from Beijing. The waitress at Ghana Airlines told us: “Do you still take this thing? Accra is not needed.” When we arrived in Ghana, , Hot air hit people, we just feel the coat has become a real burden. Ghana is close to the equator, it is indeed hot, there is no winter and summer year points, only two dry season. From May to September, it rains a lot, with an average annual rainfall of one in southern Ghana