看到四封Uber GZ“非收据”邮件。“YOUR DREAM JOB IS ARRIVING NOW!”邮件的标题极具眼球效应。一个看起来简单不过的软件,让你感到各种好玩——酷毙吗?酷毙!就像《从0到1》所言,商业世界的每一刻都不会重演。下一个比尔.盖茨不会再开发操作系统,下一个拉里.奇或是谢尔盖.布林不会再研发搜索引擎,下一个马克.扎克伯格也不会去创建社交网络。苟日新,日日新,又日新。不创新,毋宁死。所以在6月份由《二十一世纪商业评论》作为
See four Uber GZ“non-receipt” emails. The title of “YOUR DREAM JOB IS ARRIVING NOW!” is very eye-catching. A seemingly simple piece of software makes you feel all sorts of fun - cool, cool! Like “From 0 to 1”, every moment of the business world will not repeat itself. The next Bill Gates will no longer develop the operating system. The next Larry Chik or Sergey Brin will no longer develop search engines. The next Mark Zuckerberg will not create social networks. It is new day, new day, new day. Without innovation, I die rather than die. So in June, “21st Century Business Review”