从中国抗日战争胜利到现在已经整整半个世纪了。抗日战争,是百多年来中国人民反抗外国侵略战争中第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争,它不仅极大地推动了中国社会发展的历史进程;而且对世界反法西斯战争的进程和结局有着重大的影响。 但是,长期以来,国外的史学界由于受种种因素的影响,在撰写二战历史时只注意阐述欧洲及太平洋战场,对中国的抗战轻描谈写,甚至出现一种粗暴地歪曲和贬低的错误倾向。说什么“中国人没有能力防卫自己,只能弃城向内地撤退”。(1)中国抗战的胜利“是日本在太平洋上被美英打败,在远东被苏联打败的结果”。(2)在我们庆祝抗战胜利和世界反法西斯战争胜利结束50周年的时候,有必要对中国的抗日战争在世界反法西斯战争中的地位与作用问题,作出正确的评价了。
It has been half a century since the victory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war. The War of Resistance Against Japan, which was the first national liberation war that the Chinese people won for the first time in a hundred-plus years of resistance against foreign invasions, not only gave a great impetus to the historical process of the development of China’s society, but also had a bearing on the course and the outcome of the world anti-Fascist war. Significant impact. However, for a long time, due to various factors, historians in foreign countries have only paid attention to describing the battlefield in Europe and the Pacific during the history of World War II. They have even written a slogan about China’s war of resistance against Japan. They even have a wrong tendency of grossly distorting and belittling . What to say “Chinese people do not have the ability to defend themselves, can only abandon the city retreat to the Mainland.” (1) The victory of China’s war of resistance “is the result of Japan’s defeat by the United States and Britain on the Pacific Ocean and defeat by the Soviet Union in the Far East.” (2) When we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the war against Japan and the victory of the world anti-fascist war, it is necessary to make a correct assessment of the status and role of China’s anti-Japanese war in the world anti-fascist war.