纳米科技,正悄然走近一个每秒计算上亿次的巨型计算机小到可随手装进口袋;物质将成为软件,人们将不仅能够利用因特网下拔软件,还能下载硬件……这些让普通人听来匪夷所思的话,却是出自一些科学权威之口。而让他们说出如此惊人之语的依据则是——纳米技术。 1纳米仅为10亿分之1米,对普通百姓来说。这似乎既不可“望”更不可及,甚至不如一个梦境还有短暂的真实感。然而,据专家预测,纳米技术在今后二三十年内将从根本上改变人类的处境,到2010年产生的价值将达到14400亿美元。美国《时代》周刊
Nanotechnology is quietly approaching a giant computer that counts hundreds of millions of times a second is small enough to fit into pockets; materials will become software, and people will not only be able to use the Internet to download software, but also to download hardware... these are for ordinary people. It sounds ridiculous, but it comes from the mouth of some scientific authority. And let them say such amazing words based on - nanotechnology. One nanometer is only one billionth of a billionth of a meter, for ordinary people. This does not seem to be more “invisible” or even less than a dream. However, according to experts’ predictions, nanotechnology will fundamentally change the human condition in the next 20 to 30 years, and the value generated by 2010 will reach US$1.44 trillion. American Times Magazine