Complexity of molecular alterations impacts pancreatic cancer prognosis

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xy255c
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Individualized cancer treatment(e.g.targeted therapy) based on molecular alterations has emerged as an important strategy to improve the current standardof-care chemotherapy.A large number of studies have demonstrated the importance of biomarkers not only in predicting prognosis but more importantly in predicting the response towards therapies.For example,amplification or mutation status of the two biomarkers HER2(human epidermal growth factor 2) and BRCA(breast cancer) can be used to decide on a specific targeted therapy in breast cancer.However,no biomarkers with a similar clinical impact have been identified in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.Although many genome-wide and proteome-based high-throughput studies have identified candidate genes or proteins as promising biomarkers,none of them were eventually transferred into the clinical setting.Notably,the most reliable markers for predicting prognosis are still the tumor stage and grade and biomarkers for therapy response remain undefined.One reason lies in the lack of systemic approaches to analyze the complexity of dominating cancer pathways and the impact of such signal complexity on prognosis and therapy response. Individualized cancer treatment (egtargeted therapy) based on molecular alterations has emerged as an important strategy to improve the current standard of-care chemotherapy. A large number of studies have demonstrated the importance of biomarkers not only in predicting prognosis but more importantly in predicting the response towards therapies. For example, amplification or mutation status of the two biomarkers HER2 (human epidermal growth factor 2) and BRCA (breast cancer) can be used to decide on a specific targeted therapy in breast cancer. impact have been identified in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Alhivough many genome-wide and proteome-based high-throughput studies have identified candidate candidates genes or proteins as promising biomarkers, none of them were eventually transferred into the clinical setting. Notably, the most reliable markers for predicting prognosis are still the tumor stage and grade and biomarkers for therapy response remain und efined. One reason lies in the lack of systemic approaches to analyze the complexity of dominating cancer pathways and the impact of such signal signal prognosis and therapy response.
欧阳修晚年号六一居士。“六一”即:“吾家藏书一万卷,集录三代以来金石遗文一千卷,有琴一张,有棋一局,而常置酒一壶……以吾一翁,老于此五物之问,是岂不为六一乎?”  人生简单得只剩下六个“一”,实在是最佳状态。删繁就简,摒弃不必要的物质和名利的负累,便是简约人生。  可是,在俗世中奔波的我们,却把日子过得复杂灰暗。我们耗费了太多的时间,做了太多没有价值的事。庸庸扰扰的红尘,有成百上千的欲望,有成千上
本文报告以麦麸制作的Bt-187颗粒剂具有粘菌和漂浮作用,毒杀按蚊幼虫LC50比悬乳剂低16.9倍,室内应用2.5ppm第1~6天按蚊幼虫死亡率为60~100%,稻田使用2.5ppm1周内按蚊幼虫的相关密度指数为0.98~32.6。 This paper reports that