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社会的发展难以逆历史惯性而动,在人类还没有创造出大于历史惯性的力量前,社会将沿着既有的方向发展。纵观社会发展历史,从结构性角度来看,当结构性关系中一方绝对或者相对衰落的时候,另一方的优势地位则会凸显出来,国际社会中国与国之间的比较发展亦是如此。而在相对衰落和相对崛起都需要长时间调整过程的这一历史发展惯性的影响下,一个国家在国际社会中地位的凸显,除了自身发展指标需要呈上升趋势外,其他国家发展指标的绝对或者相对减缓降低也是重要的变量。如何利用好结构性关系的这一特点,抓住历史发展机遇期,以此创造更多的“中国机遇”是我国当前面临的重要发展战略问题。反观我国自身发展历程,从趋向性角度来看,在经过了几十年的经济快速发展和改革的前提下,我国正经历着“不破不立,不塞不流,不止不行”的全面改革阶段,并且已经取得了一些“大破”的进展,展露了“大立”的端倪,在国内社会经历着兴利除弊、除旧布新的同时,“十三五”的征程开启,使得“中国机遇”也向着国际社会扑面而来。 The development of society is hard to reverse its historical inertia. Before mankind has created a force greater than historical inertia, society will develop in the direction it has established. Looking at the history of social development, from a structural point of view, when one party in the structural relationship is absolutely or relatively declining, the dominance of the other party will be highlighted, as will the comparative development between China and the international community in the international community. Under the influence of this inertia of historical development, which both takes a long time to adjust, relative decline and relative rise, the prominent position of a country in the international community, in addition to the fact that its own development index needs to be on the rise, the absolute of other national development indexes or The relative slowing down is also an important variable. How to make good use of this feature of structural relations and seize the opportunity of historical development so as to create more “China’s opportunities ” is an important development strategy currently facing our country. On the contrary, our own development course shows that, from the perspective of tendencies, under the premise of rapid economic development and reform over the past decades, our country is experiencing a comprehensive reform stage of “no break, no stop no flow, no no no” , And some progress has been made in “major breakthroughs”, revealing the emergence of “Dali” and experiencing the pros and cons of eliminating disadvantages in the domestic society. In addition to the new cloth, “the journey of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” China Opportunity "also blows toward the international community.
为研究盐胁迫条件下不同水氮处理对小桐子幼树生理特性的影响,采用3个灌水水平(灌水处理的每次灌水量分别为T1:3.2 L/株,T2:5.4 L/株,T3:9.6 L/株),4个施氮水平(NZ:0 g,NL:10 g,NM:30
蒲山发电运营中心装有2台125MW汽轮机(上海汽轮机厂生产),其主油泵入口油压p设计值为0.096 MPa.2号机于2000年11月进行了第一次大修,在以后运行中,每当停机和停运调速油泵
为了探讨柠檬苦素类似物对乳腺癌细胞MCF 7生长抑制和对细胞周期的影响 ,应用MTT法和流式细胞仪检测癌细胞株生长和细胞周期 .结果显示柠檬苦素类似物能明显抑制MCF 7的生长