也许是惠州与名茶铁观音故乡有缘 ,头一个到鹅城“吃螃蟹”办茶艺馆的 ,竟是来自福建安溪的县文化馆干部陈文山。陈文山 5年前只身来到惠州作市场调查 ,喜欢上有“半城山色半城湖”美誉的这座历史文化名城 ,深感这儿旅游资源丰富 ,文化品位较高 ,是传播茶文化的理想之地。但相?
Huizhou may be the hometown of tea with the famous Tieguanyin, the first to goose city “eat crabs” do tea Museum, was actually from Fujian Anxi County Cultural Center cadres Chen Wenshan. Chen Wenshan came to Huizhou five years ago to make a market survey and likes to have this historic and cultural city with the reputation of “half a city half lake.” He is deeply rooted in the abundant tourism resources and high cultural taste here, which is to spread tea culture Ideal place. But phase?