【摘 要】
【机 构】
郧阳医学院附属东风临床学院内分泌科,郧阳医学院附属东风临床学院内分泌科 442008,442008
Magnesium ions are the second abundant cation in human cells and play an important role in maintaining the normal metabolism and function of cells. Magnesium retention test found that diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other metabolic syndrome characterized by widespread magnesium deficiency in patients. And serum magnesium concentration and blood glucose, plasma insulin, blood pressure, blood lipids and other metabolic indicators was negatively correlated after magnesium supplementation can improve the above abnormal indicators. Due to the high incidence of multiple metabolic syndrome in the population, supplementation of magnesium in the population may help reduce the incidence of the syndrome.
The cyclization reaction of 2-ethynyl-N-sulfonylanilides proceeded efficiently in water with the presence of a catalytic amount of K_2CO_3 under transition meta
A new complex, [Zn(L)_2](1), has been hydrothermally prepared by the reaction of ZnSO_4·7H_2O with 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)benzoic acid(HL) incorporating 4-imidazo
Photocatalysis has already triggered enormous researches in the areas of solar energy transfer,environmental purification,organic synthesis and etc.In this work
患者女,55岁.因无意间扪及下腹包块伴肛门坠胀感3个月,于2007年4月16日入院.体检:心肺检查未见异常,右下腹可触及一实性包块,大小6.O cm×6.0 cm×5.0cm,质软,轻压痛,与子宫关系密切.B超示"右附件类实性包块,子宫后壁肌层多发性低回声结节."临床诊断:子宫肌瘤,卵巢肿瘤,行子宫切除术.术中见子宫后壁偏左侧多发结节,直径0.1~4.0 cm,右卵巢有一鹅蛋大小肿物.
High-purity carbon nanotubes(CNTs) with different orientation and lengths were grafted on carbon fibers(CFs) in woven fabrics by using double injection chemical
血管内皮生长因子 (vascularendothelialgrowthfactor ,VEGF)或称血管渗透因子 (vascularpermeabilityfactor ,VPF) ,是一种能特异性促进血管内皮细胞增殖、维持血管内皮细胞
2004年海南省全省接待旅游人数达到1402.89万人次,同比增长13.7%,旅游收入达110亿元,同比增长18.7%。据测算,2004年全省旅游业创造的增加值为 86.8亿元,对GDP的贡献率为11%。建省 17