This article explicitly states that rituals and symbols are not purely emotional and that they have corresponding ideologies. The latter can be controversial, criticized and falsified if the first two are not falsifiable and can not be inferred. The serious mistake made by Gerdz, Turner, Bullock, and Rapaport in their analysis of the ritual was to ignore this, so that they overemphasize the emotional part of human experience and the randomness of ritualistic manipulation of emotions , Underestimated the human intelligence. Therefore, in methodology, religious symbols should be discussed as a two-dimensional movement, attention should be paid to the distance between ideology and reality, and emotional and rational interdependence and mutual influence. With this theoretical framework, the author is set against the movement of the Iranian people in 1978 to overthrow the king. But instead of analyzing the revolution, she analyzed the relationship between religious symbols and ideology in the movement. The author restores the dual structure of religious symbols. Think that the religious symbols are not one, but the two parts of the superposition, logically can be stripped. Based on this, it is observed that the impact of economic and political changes on ideology and the influence of ideology on ritual symbols and the ritual maintenance of ideology ultimately show that rituals can play an extremely important role in social changes and political changes.